Mould on clothing

People can easily inhale the Aspergillus species of mould on clothes, which has been linked to respiratory issues such as coughing, sneezing, wheezing, and even fever.

Accordingly, you will need to phone us prior to arrange a special bag/bags that will dissolve in a hot wash. This is a special service and can require several washes so we will need to quote this beforehand.

Molds may look likeĀ furry growth, black stains, or specks of black, white, orange, green or brown.


Mould can be found both indoors and outside. Its can get into your home through open doors, windows, vents, and heating and cooling systems.

Its in the air can attach itself to clothing, shoes, and pets and be carried inside. Its grows when Its spores land on moist surfaces, such as leaky roofs, pipes, walls, or plant pots.

Many building materials contain nutrients that promote Its growth. Wet cellulose materials, such as paper, cardboard wood, and wood products, are especially conducive to Its growth. Its growth is commonly supported by other materials such as dust, paints, carpet, fabric, and upholstery.

Mould, mildew, and fungus can be harmful to your health. Mould is a growth of fungi that lives and feeds off an organic matter in moist conditions. DampĀ 

Mould tends to be green or black, and it usually grows underneath the surface of anything that has gotten wet. Its texture can be fuzzy or slimy.

Book today as we remove mould from most fabrics.
